The Future of Denim: Unique Denim Couture and accessoiries made out of Denim Waste
Where Eagles Dare; Hat piece from discarded denim / Yuki Isshiki x The Visionary Lab
Photo’s Wendelien Daan
Denim for Earth is a creative concept introduced by The Visionary Lab. It was developed to combine design, purpose and storytelling in order to make a powerful, fashionable statement while bringing attention to the issue of denim waste from G-STAR RAW. In collaboration with fashion designers and artists The Visionary Lab created upcycled couture made out of denim waste. The collection has been showcased in the online gallery of FOAM Museum, MOCO Museum and has been exhibited in an open-air exhibition at the Rembrandt Square in Amsterdam.
“Waste isn’t waste until we waste it.”
Designers combined traditional textile techniques with revolutionary denim-innovations. From upcycling denim waste through the ancient Japanese Sakiori method to dying circulair denim using plant-waste of beetroots, the resulting earth- honouring creations yield an artful ode to both craftsmanship and the planet.
White dress / Ferry Schiffelers for Denim for Earth
“If you truly love nature you will find beauty everywhere”
Exhibition Denim For Earth on Rembrandt Square Amsterdam